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Mudsock Boys Lacrosse

Important News You Need To Know

Mudsock Boys Lacrosse and Cats Travel Lacrosse is a nonprofit youth sports organization. Our goal is to be the best program in the state of Indiana year after year! Below is information about how to get involved and where to sign up! Lacrosse is a spring sport, but can be played year round if desired. We do offer a summer program, it follows the spring season and has a separate tryout for those teams. Currently, we offer is U12-U14 age groups for the summer program.

1. First thing you need to play lacrosse anywhere is a US Lacrosse membership. This membership provides medical insurance to players and coaches. It also comes with a subscription to US Lacrosse magazine and many online coaching tools for players and coaches. To get a US Lacrosse membership, go to US Lacrosse and sign up. 

2. Second, once Mudsock Youth Athletics registration opens on January 1st, you can register your son to play for the spring season. You will need to have that US Lacrosse number to register. Go to Mudsock Youth Athletics to sign up!! 

3. Our program offers age groups from U8 up to U14. We have recreational teams as well as travel teams. Practices are usually two times a week and games mixed in along the way. Usually 1-2 games per week. Practices are held at Hamilton Proper Park off Hoosier Rd. at 116th St. Games are played at Cyntheanne Park. 

4. We are always looking for board members to handle various duties to help our club run smoothly and remain consistent in our goals. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please email us at [email protected] . 

5. Costs for travel teams are to cover expenses for just tournaments. Travel team costs usually run between $500-$600 per season. Hotels, travel, and food are not included in this cost. Travel teams generally play in 3-4 tournaments a season.

6. Our program also will play in some fall tournaments that are put together with kids that are interested in playing. There are no practices associated with fall tournaments and cost is usually about $50 per tournament. Look for email blasts or our website about upcoming tournaments and how to get involved. 

7. Fall and winter is also an opportunity for players to play Max Lax at Grand Park. Max Lax is one game, one night per week, usually a Thursday or Friday evening. There are two sessions, a fall and winter session. HSE-Fishers generally has teams from U10-U14 at Max Lax. They also offer programs that are great for U8 players. You can get more information at Max Lax Link 

8. Finch Creek Fieldhouse also offers some lacrosse specific camps and stick skills sessions. For more information on offerings, check out Finch Creek Fieldhouse

9. We use social media also to send communications and highlight events and stories. Below is a list of our social media outlets. 
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Please email us with any questions you may have at [email protected]


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